Monday, 28 March 2011

3B Excursion to the Peak

This year's P.3 cross-curricular GS & English Excursion to the Peak was a success. Students had the opportunity to practise speaking English in an authentic environment. Our evaluation forms showed 98% of students enjoyed interviewing tourists and thought that the excursion was a great way to practise English.

Students enjoyed the Peak Tower orienteering activity but some found it too easy! I'd be sure to make the quiz more challenging next year.


I'd like to thank all the GS and English teachers involved in planning this excursion. A big thank you to all the parent helpers and Mr. Brown for helping us on the actual excursion days. Lastly, thank you to all the tourists who accepted our kids' interviews. You all helped boost their confidence and gave them a most memorable experience!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Spending my Birthday with lovely 3D!

Thank you 3D for making my birthday this year so special : )

Giant leaves!!

A rich man's letter box


Interviewing tourists at the Peak
The tourists thought you boys were so cute and sweet!
Yay! Mission accomplished!
Look who's at the Wax Museum!
Peak Tower Orienteering Activity
Angelo's long snake candy got everyone laughing!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Trip to the Peak with 3E

The hot sunny weather attracted many tourists to the Peak today. We were slightly behind schedule due to the long queue at the Peak Tram Station. The children were super excited to see so many foreigners!

The boys met some friendly tourists from Chicago.

Sneak peek of the lovely view from the Peak Tower
Yeah! We've completed all the questions on the orienteering worksheet!

Hiking along Lugard Road

Wow look! We made it!

3E got the best view thanks to the beautiful weather.

We don't want to go back to school yet!
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