Friday, 22 April 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Kids!

Have a fun and safe break with your families.
Hope you all get lots of Easter eggs to eat.
But don't forget to brush your teeth!

See you after the holidays!


Thursday, 14 April 2011

Supermarket Visit

To learn more about the community, P.2 students went on an excursion this week. They were taken on a bus tour around Wanchai and Morrison Hill where teachers introduced some landmark buildings and the history behind them. After the tour, students had the chance to visit a local supermarket to buy $40 worth of whatever they liked! The kids were absolutely estatic!

Students worked in groups of four. They had $40 each to spend within half an hour.
They were all super excited! This was a 1st time experience for many of them, to choose and pay for their own products.
Some decided to be healthy and headed straight to the fruits section.
The hot weather led others to the cold drinks section.
The Easter eggs section is definitely attractive!
The chips and candy section proved to be the most popular, who can blame them?

What did you buy?
Oreos and grape juice!
I bought toothpaste because I noticed we didn't have much toothpaste left at home.
This is my favourite snack "Mamee noodles".
We all had a great time! Thank you to all the teachers and parent helpers. The boys will be using their supermarket receipts to complete a Math & General Studies project next week.
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