Based on the characters created by Lauren Child, the hit ABC television series "Charlie and Lola" has been adapted into an early theatre experience for children. The show has finally come to Hong Kong so if you have kids, don't miss the chance to bring them to see "Charlie and Lola's Best Bestest Play"!
The entire show was created around two simple but cleverly designed 2D cardboard puppets operated by puppeteers. The puppeteers were not dressed in all black to blend in with the background but were actually part of the performance with sound and expression relating to the story and characters. They managed to re-create the cartoon "Charlie & Lola" using these cardboard puppets and brought them to life with moving eyes, head, arms and legs. The story was very funny and relatable to both kids and adults. With the use of cute and clever props and a creative stage set, the show was truly magical from beginning to end.
I took my Drama Academy kids to the HKAPA to see "Charlie & Lola's Best Bestest Play" yesterday. The experience was mesmerizing and they could not stop talking about Charlie and Lola after we came out of the theatre. The show has really inspired their imagination and I can't wait to incorporate some of the theatrical ideas into our puppet show workshops next week!
Please visit Charlie & Lola!