Thursday 28 October 2010

Alien Profiles

Great work boys! Keep it up!




Thursday 21 October 2010

Scrabble Mania 2010

There are 4 teams in the "Scrabble Mania" class this year. Students were asked to design and create their own team names, slogans, mascots and flags.

Slogan: "We are the best!"
Mascot: Dragon
Team Leader: Ambrose Lin
Members: Yeung Tsz Ho, Cameron Lam, Julian Wei
Slogan: "We are the Scrabble King!"
Mascot: A boy
Team Leader: Ignatius Toh
Members: Peter Tam, Jeffrey Leung, Arhur Li
Slogan: "3E are winners!"
Mascot: Crocodile
Team Leader: Sean Wong
Members: Gordon Yuen, Jake Leung, Chim Yeung
Slogan: "We are the best team!"
Mascot: Happy boy
Team Leader: Louis See
Members: Clement Yu, Angus Ying, Roy Lai
Students will participate in various activities to help build their vocabulary and spelling skills in the coming weeks. They will also learn to master strategies in playing the world famous board game "Scrabble". I wish each team the best of luck!

 Who will become the ultimate SJPS Scrabble Champion this year???

Friday 15 October 2010

Warriors Catwalk

This week "The Drama Academy" challenged our aspiring young actors to a fierce battle between warriors on the catwalk! Students were split into two teams. Each team had 30mins to design and make a warrior costume out of a limited amount of newspaper and sticky tape. Their costume must include some type of head gear (e.g. helmet, hat, cap etc.) and the models must carry some kind of weapon. (e.g. gun, sword, spear etc.) Let's take a look at their creations.


Both teams co-operated extremely well. They finished their costumes within the time limit and was ready for the catwalk. Let's see if their costumes actually stayed on their bodies as they strutted down the catwalk. It's not easy to model a costume made of newspaper!
The battle begins...

After the catwalk Team Leaders explained their team's design to the audience. Both teams had outstanding performances. It was just too hard to choose a winner between the two!

Congratulations to both warriors and their design team. You are all winners!

Monday 11 October 2010

Snapshots of the English Galaxy

All activities in the English Galaxy are now in full swing. Thank-you to all my English Ambassadors who have helped maintain order and discipline throughout the week. The room is indeed very popular among our students so if you don't want to miss out, you'd better come to school at 12:30pm sharp to join the queue.




Another way to gain special entry into the room is via the VIP card scheme. Students who concentrate and participate actively during NET lessons will be awarded a VIP pass. With this pass you can enter the English Galaxy on Thursday (VIP Day).

Thursday 7 October 2010

"One Person, One Letter"

In celebration of World Post Day, Hongkong Post will be holding the "One Person, One Letter" Free Post Day this Saturday 9th October 2010.

Everyone can send a letter for free to someone in Hong Kong on that day. Special posting boxes will be placed at all post offices. Teachers and parents please encourage your kids to write and post a letter to loved ones!

For more information, please visit the Hongkong Post website.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Swimming Gala 2010

Well done kids on your active participation at the Swimming Gala last week! Whether you won a medal or not you are still a champion for trying your best! Here are some snapshots from the event ~ enjoy!

Monday 4 October 2010

Grand Opening 2010

I'm glad many P.1 students remembered to come to school early today. Our English Galaxy reopened! It was the P.1 students' first time to enter into the English Room. They were so excited and curious about the room.

English Ambassadors helped students record their names in the Login Book.
There are loads of cool books to read!
And games to play too!
Students playing "Zingo"
English Ambassador leading the game.
Some students drew pictures.
Thanks Jason, that's lovely!
Some students wrote letters and posted it into my letter box.
Well done kids for lining up patiently and obeying the rules today. Did you have fun? I hope to see you again in the English Galaxy next Monday!
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