Firstly to my students, I hope you've achieved your academic goals successfully this year. Remember there is always room for improvement!
To the parents, I hope you're happy with your son's report card! The most important thing is that he has tried his best and is making good progress in his learning.
Fellow colleagues, I'm sure your dedication in teaching has been a worthwhile one this year. Time to relax and recharge!
Bon voyage to those travelling overseas.
For those who are staying in Hong Kong, I'd like to share this brilliant website with you. It's called "HK with Kids", a web guide for families with children living in Hong Kong. You can find lists of quality resources in things for children to do, to eat, to see, to hear, to look at, to smell, to laugh at, to feel good about, to play on, and to learn about in Hong Kong.
Happy Holidays Everyone! See you in September!
Miss Jessi xxx