Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Let me share with you a story about a scary pumpkin. Written and illustrated by Alvin Wong of class 1D.

Have fun trick or treating. Hope you get lots of candy but please don't eat it all in one go! I don't want to see rotten teeth when you smile! Happy Halloween!!

Friday 28 October 2011

Aliens in the Classroom!

The boys never fail to hand in outstanding homework whenever I use the Alien theme in my lessons.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Finger Puppets

The Drama Academy kids have been learning about the history of puppet shows. They will be making different kinds of puppets throughout the term. Their first project is to make animal finger puppets. They have written their own story scripts and are now preparing for their 1st puppet show performance next week.

Here are some snapshots of them in action!


Friday 21 October 2011

Vlad's Vampire Bats

A talented friend of mine has developed a new app for iphones and ipads.

Introducing "Vlad's Vampire Bats"! An interactive and enchanting story for children!

Please support my friend by downloading it here for just US$0.99

Perfect app for Halloween 2011!

Halloween Costumes

Hi Kids!

Halloween is coming! Will you go trick or treating? Who will you dress up as this year?

When I asked a P.2 class yesterday, they all replied, "Angry Bird!!"

I wonder if our school will be filled with Angry birdies and piggies on Dress Special Day this year?

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Ben10 LIVE in Hong Kong

To the parents...I think the boys will enjoy this very much. I'm doing a unit on Aliens with the P.3 kids this month and they cannot stop talking about Ben10! The show is performed in English too.

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