Monday, 14 June 2010

Storytelling: The Goat's Beard

I tried out a new way of storytelling in P.1 this year. No storybook was used. Instead, students were paired up and given a piece of paper with a short sentence on it. Their task was to read the sentence then draw what the sentence described.


After they finished drawing, I would begin to tell the story. Students had to listen carefully to my words. If my words matched their sentence/picture, they had to come out and stick their picture on the blackboard for the class to see.

The students were the illustrators of the story.

The P.1s enjoyed this style of storytelling very much. Everyone was able to participate in making the story come alive with beautiful pictures drawn by themselves. Because there was no book or words to follow, students had to listen even more intently than usual to know when to stick their picture on the blackboard.


Students would of course revisit the storybook later but this was a great motivational pre-reading activitiy. Their lovely pictures could also be binded together to create a class book. I hope to design more innovative and interactive ways of storytelling in the coming year.


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