Thursday, 8 July 2010

Slip Slop Slap!

It has finally arrived! Say hello to SUMMER HOLIDAYS 2010!!

Have a safe, happy and fulfilling holiday! Whether you're traveling overseas, attending summer camp, learning a new sport, musical instrument or art...make sure you enjoy yourself! Summer holidays is a great time to relax and have fun but it is also a good time to improve and prepare yourself for the coming school year. Make sure you spend some time to revise or get help on subjects that you did not do so well in this year. Don't let yourself fall behind! Always set goals for yourself and work towards them at your own pace. That way, your holiday can be both enjoyable and rewarding!

It is very hot in Hong Kong during the summer. Many of you will be doing outdoor activities. Please remember to "Slip Slop Slap!" That "sun smart". SLIP on a shirt, SLOP on some sunscreen and SLAP on a hat! Drink plenty of water too so you won't get dehydrated.

Slip Slop Slap Seek & Slide from Monkeystack on Vimeo.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer! I look forward to hearing your holiday stories in September!


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