This week "The Drama Academy" challenged our aspiring young actors to a fierce battle between warriors on the catwalk! Students were split into two teams. Each team had 30mins to design and make a warrior costume out of a limited amount of newspaper and sticky tape. Their costume must include some type of head gear (e.g. helmet, hat, cap etc.) and the models must carry some kind of weapon. (e.g. gun, sword, spear etc.) Let's take a look at their creations.
Both teams co-operated extremely well. They finished their costumes within the time limit and was ready for the catwalk. Let's see if their costumes actually
stayed on their bodies as they strutted down the catwalk. It's not easy to model a costume made of
The battle begins...
After the catwalk Team Leaders explained their team's design to the audience. Both teams had outstanding performances. It was just too hard to choose a winner between the two!
Congratulations to both warriors and their design team. You are all winners!
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