Monday 27 September 2010

English Ambassadors 2010-2011

I'm pleased to announce the names of our English Ambassadors for this academic year!
They are...
  • Alvin Lai 3A
  • Bono Choi 3A
  • Lleyton Lo 3A
  • Hyias Ching 3A
  • Michael Lee 3B
  • Desmond Au 3B
  • Thomas Ma 3B
  • Timothy Cheung 3B
  • Joshua Chang 3C
  • Anson Chung 3D
  • Angelo Wan 3D
  • Luke Wong 3D
  • Ian Ng 3E
  • Douglas Chan 3E
  • Darren Chan 3E
  • Jake Leung 3E

The English Ambassadors will attend two training sessions this week. They will help conduct games and activities in the English Galaxy which will resume opening next Monday 4th October. The English Ambassadors will also help promote a positive and fun English learning environment at our school.

Congratulations on being chosen! I trust that you will all work hard to serve and help your fellow classmates!


Anonymous said...


I am one of these ambassadors...'s parent. :)

It's cool, and will ask my child to follow this blog.

Who's my child? well the tip is he is wearing the PE uniform. :)

Miss Jessi said...

Thank-you for supporting this blog! I hope your son will enjoy being an English Ambassador this year:)

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